Thursday 14 February 2013

Life Drawing 5

Life drawing sketches charcoal/ink.

These sketches were 5 minutes each and are of other students that were moddeling for us, we started by sketching a pose without the model and then getting the model into the same pose and sketching them to see how close we could get the first sketch to the second.

Five minute warmup sketches of a nude life model.

15 minute ink with brush, I found this very difficult to use since ink does not have any midtones and I found painting with a brush it was very difficult to get the lines I wanted. Instead I should try to paint with just values but again with ink this is difficult as it does not have much range.

Second 15 minute attempt with ink, i managed this slightly better than the first but I am still not pleased with it since I could not refine any of it since once ink is on paper you cannot remove it.

30 minute charcoal sketch. The pose was not very interesting from where I was standing but I feel that I managed to get the perspective right on this sketch. I am still trying to speed up my workflow so that I have more time to do some shading, you can see that I began but did not have time to finish.

Another 30 minute sketch, I rushed this piece to try and get on to shading as quickly as possible however this led to the perspective being off in the drawing which ultimately made the sketch look a lot worse than I could have been.
I am pleased with the torso since I spent most of my time on this area however it is too wide to what the model was but did not stop to correct due to my rushing.

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