Tuesday 22 January 2013


I began by doing a lot of pencil sketches from references to get an idea of what my Insectoid would look like.

Once I was comfortable with the different types of body parts and structures I did several designs side by side with a front view and side view of each along with some ideas for tools and weapons that my particular Insectoid would use.

My chosen design is of a young adult of Insectoid creatures that live in a very harsh desert environment.
These Insectoids live in tribes located high inside craggy canyons where they can use their natural colour of their exoskeleton to  camouflage and stay safe from predators.

They are very peaceful creatures and only fight to defend themselves or to hunt. Their four arms make it easy  to climb and their legs are extremely powerful enabling them to run at extreme speeds to chase prey and to leap from great heights.

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