Thursday 24 January 2013

Life Drawing 4

Observational drawings from the previous two life drawing classes.

5 minute sketches of my own hand in charcoal.

Pencil sketches of my own hand, each sketch timed at 5 minutes and each drawing shows motion step by step.

40 minute self portrait. I felt quite rushed to do this piece and did not take time to stop and realise that I was drawing each facial feature far larger than it meant to be.

2 minute pose sketches of a life model. I need to work on my speed and try to draw legs first since I always seem to run out of time to finish them.

15 minute sketch. I aimed to capture the movement that the life models pose was given by focusing on how weight was being distributed.

Another 15 minute sketch with the same focus as the previous.

Process of my 40 minute sketch.
I start by using ovals to get a base pose to work from.

I then fill in detail around the ovals to make the sketch look like the model.

I began to work on shading but could not add as much as I would have liked in the time frame. My focus for next time is to try and speed up each stage and take more risks by drawing much heavier.

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