Monday 12 May 2014

Realistic low poly crab

2000 tri 3d crab from reference.

Starting with a  box model I made in maya I then exported into mudbox to begin my sculpt.

I found this sculpt to go very very quickly, I was slowed down by sculpting each leg, in hindsight I should have built the legs seperately and cloned them for a quicker result.

Once the sculpt was finished I placed the low poly version into roadkill and unwrapped there.

Using the projection painting method in Mudbox I created my diffuse by using the references provided, this proved for an extremely quick way of creating a realistic and quick diffuse.

Using xnormal I created my normal map with only minor issues of the normals not quite catching on the side. However it is unnoticable unless you were looking for it.

overal this assignment took me just under a day, iw as very impressed with the speed I was able to create this piece and beleive if I continue to practice these methods I will be able to create organic models extremely quickly and efficiently 

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