Wednesday, 14 May 2014

SU Project

The Student Union project is a class made exact replica of the student union cafe, bar and dance floor.

My role in this project was to handle some of the more complicated models while assessing other models made by different team members to make sure that they were acceptable for the scene. I worked very closely with Martin and Ricardo to help manage and to get the initial information we needed to get started.

The first part of the project I spent in the SU with a tape measure jotting down as many measurements as I could of wall sizes, ceilings and objects. I worked closely with Paul, Monika, Ricardo and Martin on this.
Once this was completed I helped to create the asset list for our scene and made decisions on what was necessary and what wasn't. Once this was dealt with I took pictures of each asset.

I worked closely with Monika in producing models and unwrapping them for her to texture. Most of my models were textured by Monika.

In photoshop I created a simple tga texture for the cursor in the form of my hand by taking a picture of my own hand.

My final contribution to the project was opening all build files and ensuring each model was named correctly and positioned at 0,0,0.

Frustratingly I have lost some of my build files for the SU project, there are some screenshots and the Trello board should confirm which models I worked on.

Ceiling Windows were one fo the most complicated pieces that I had to do, I spent a long time trying to match exactly what the windows were like in the SU itself, however getting exactly measurements were difficult, we managed to obtain a laser measurer but it was not precise. I ended up simplifying the windows but I beleive that they work well and look relatively accurate

The lift model is probably the second longest model out of everything. The longest time was getting the measurements of each tiny piece because there were so many sides to it. Once I had these measurements getting everything into place took me sometime, there was lots of dialling in measurements to Max and making the lift efficient by deleting hidden faces took some time and effort.

A quick model to fill in time between jobs. No complications with this.

Stage lights were relatively simple to produce, each were duplicated to scatter around the scene.

Lighting rig

Dance floor shelving

Leaflet holder, an added extra while waiting for things to finish

Corner tables that I passed on to Martin to finish and texture.

Overall I enjoyed this project and put a lot of time and effort into it. I enjoyed taking on more of a team leader role and making sure that everything met out specifications as I do not take this role often. It was very difficult to gather all of the initial information but once we had this we were able to start building models extremely quickly.

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