Thursday, 3 October 2013


Our first task of the year for this Unit was to create an underwater sea creature.

I knew that I wanted to do a small type of underwater creature much like a piranha but with a twist. So I researched three different types, squid/octopus, shellfish and different types of fish.

UPDATE- I then did several research sketches

UPDATE- My chosen design is the top right fish. It is a mixture between a shellfish, jellyfish and a piranha


Next I started to work on a sculpture. I decided to start straight from Mudbox and use the generic sphere shape to start my sculpt. Below is the progression.

I found this process to be very natural to me and enjoyed it greatly. I was able to get enough inspiration from my design to be able to replicate the sculpt very similar to the design. I am not very familiar with Mudbox tools so there was a lot of back and forth with trying one thing to another until I found something that works.

Below is my render using Mudbox Lighting, I simply added diffuse colours to each light. Overal I created three, one on the left and right pointing downward and a very dim light underneath to act as the reflected light.
Because I was running out of time I decided to very quickly use a stock image online for my sea scene.

Render added and photofilter to make both render and background match and added some light beams to match the lighting on my render.

Began to use real life textures to detail

Continued to detail, some painting was used to give detail to the teeth, eyes and inside of mouth

Added several more renders of my fish at different poses to add to the background, I reduced their opacity to make them match.

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