Thursday, 10 October 2013

Minotaur (on going)

This is a box modelling task. By following a youtube tutorial I started with nothing but a cube and slowly added geometry and form by extruding faces and moving verts.

Starting very simple I created a humanoid form, keeping things very bulky because the Minotaur in the end is very muscular and flabby.

Begining to refine the form. The tutorial kept this much more simple at this stage than what I had but this did not cause me any problems later.

Continuing to refine the form...

...and some more.

This is how far I have managed to get with this tutorial.

I found this task extremely difficult as there is a lot of tweaking to be done, which turns me into a perfectionist and getting stuck on tiny details and following someone using a different software to what I am confuses things at times. For example using split tool shortcuts that we do not have in Max.

I did however learn a lot in how to add geometry without adding too much wasted geometry by creating my own splits in the mesh and turning them into loops.
I also learned that it is possible to change nGon polys into quads, this part I still find tricky at times but now I know it is possible and I can slowly start to figure out how to fix those.

Overall I believe my 3D modelling skills have improved from following this tutorial.

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