Tuesday 11 December 2012

Bug Dude

This task was set to us with the purpose of learning the technique of using textures to create a base and simple values to a painting.

This is the sketch that was provided to us and reference for textures below.

I used the middle picture of the ants as a background for the entire sketch, then using the body of the fly I copied and pasted it several times with a low opacity around the body to give a rounded shape to that area, see below.

Once I had my textures in place I could begin painting. As you can see the image is slowly gaining value and standing out from the sketch. The usefulness of the textures is that It helped me to see shapes, for example in the background I used the ants bodies as a base for insect eggs.

I did not actually finish this painting, I found it very tricky to use the textures to start with and could not see how to paint over it. I re-painted this several times before I finally seemed to find my stride, unfortuantly I did not have time to finish but as you can see below the bug was starting to hold without the sketch lines.

I loved and hated this technique, once I got used to it I found ti extremely useful to quickly give a base to the painting, I could use them with the colour picker tool to quickly select my colours to paint with.

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