Tuesday 11 December 2012

Perspective 4

Following on from the Land Speeder perspective drawing I attempted to try another.

I am fairly pleased with how this turned out, however I made a huge mistake of making my vanishing point far too close to the Speeder. This means the perspective has not worked but it has taught me not to do this in future drawings.

Our class was set with the task of drawing the Enterprise in two point perspective. I had a huge amount of difficulty with this drawing and tried many different times to draw it. I feel like I was on the right track but I just could not make it work.
I will research more into perspective, especially when circular shapes are involved.

I decided I would try to design and draw my own vehicle in perspective. Clearly this did not work and this was because I got wrapped up in the design stage. I stuck with the first design I did and it appears to work from the side view, however when I tried to draw it from any other angle I could not figure out how to put it together. This is why my perspective did not work because my design was flawed to begin with.

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