Sunday 16 December 2012

3ds Max Tutorial 1- Battlefield

Over the course of the Christmas holiday I have decided to go through some online tutorials in 3ds Max. I have decided to start with the very first to ensure that I have a very good grasp over the software and that I do not miss anything that I may need to know in future tutorials.

This tutorial covered basic aspects of navigation in 3Ds Max, animation and materials.

All models were supplied with the tutorial as well as several of the animations such as the windmill and the wheels turning on the cannon.
The barrel of the cannon was animated by me as well as the actual movement of the cannon.

In this scene I created the rock by using the Noise modifier and adding a supplied rock texture.

 The oak tree can be found in the pre-made geometry shapes under foliage.
 By un-checking the leaves and lowering the detail I made the tree appear to be weathered like the rest of the battlefield.

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